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Sunlight vs. Artificial Light

When you have indoor plants, choosing between sunlight and artificial light is a real challenge. You may want to place certain plants in areas that don’t have any windows, for example. Weigh the pros and cons between sunlight and artificial light when growing plants right now.

Natural Sunlight

Sunlight is free and plentiful for growing plants. It has the entire light spectrum, which allows any plant to freely grow. It has some limitations, such as making plants too hot while sitting on a windowsill during the summer. However, you can change the plants’ locations in order to maximize or minimize the amount of sunlight striking the leaves.

Artificial Light

Place plants in nearly any room of the house with artificial lighting. Use this light to cultivate plants that would otherwise die off during the winter too. As the gardener, you’re in control of light amounts and daily timing.

This light choice will cost money over time, however. Electrical bills will inevitably rise based on the number of fixtures you have lit for the plants.

Plants growing indoors will face some challenges, but you can rise to the occasion with intelligent lighting. Use a mixture of natural and artificial light so that your plants can vigorously grow. Photosynthesis is an amazing process that thrives under your care.

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