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What to Grow in June

Summer may be right around the corner, but June is still a good time to plant those favorite vegetables. Choose these vegetables to grow in June as a great way to supplement your grocery bill.

Select Quick-Growing Varieties

Most vegetables have a quick-growing variety that’s often small in size but big in flavor. Choose Juliet tomatoes, bush beans, Bright Lights Swiss chard and Merlin beets, for example. Other vegetables to grow in June include bunching onions, peas, radishes, squash, corn and okra.

Stick to Regular Watering

The sun in June can be intense, especially in USDA growing zones 8, 9, and 10. Water your garden each day so that the moisture reaches the deeper parts within the soil. The roots stretch down to the water, which strengthens the plant for plentiful fruiting.

Consider Shading Options

While germinating some vegetables, such as corn, lay out some soil cloth to keep the ground cool. Alternatively, try a shade cloth as the vegetables grow taller. The filtered light protects the plants and relieves heat stress as summer sets in.

Being attentive with your plants will only reward you later on. Attention to sunlight coverage, soil drainage and watering frequency will help those plants to grow in June and into the summer.

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